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Arrr, Hamas be sayin' they be givin' the nod to a truce with Israel. Let's hope they mean it!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs of Hamas be signin' a truce with Israel, so they say. But beware, ye landlubbers, for trustin' a pirate's word be like trustin' a shark not to bite yer leg off! Yo-ho-ho!

In a surprising turn of events, Hamas has agreed to a cease-fire agreement proposed by Egypt and Qatar, mateys! The pirate-themed terrorist group announced their acceptance in a statement on Monday, although the White House and State Department have yet to confirm the news.According to the scallywags at Hamas, their leader Ismail Haniyeh had a chat with the Qatari Prime Minister and the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence to give his approval for the proposed ceasefire. Arrr, it seems like progress may be on the horizon in this ongoing conflict, but only time will tell if this agreement will hold strong.This story be still developing, so keep an eye out for updates as the situation unfolds. Who knows what other twists and turns may come about in this high seas drama of diplomacy and intrigue! Yarrr, it be a wild ride on the waves of international politics, me hearties!

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