The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The land lubbers in Johannesburg be in trouble fer lettin' a fire run rampant! Aye, shame on 'em!


Arrr matey! A scallywag admitted to startin' the fire that sent 76 souls to Davy Jones' locker in a run-down abode. But it be a jest that the officials turned a blind eye to the signs like a landlubber with a patch over his eye! Aarrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A scallywag has confessed to settin' the blaze that took the lives of 76 souls in August of 2023. But hold on to yer peg legs, because a report has surfaced claimin' that those officials up on high have been ignorin' the signs for years!
Shiver me timbers! What kind of scurvy dogs be runnin' this show? Ignorin' warnin' signs like a blindfolded sailor walkin' the plank! It be a sad tale indeed, when those in charge be turnin' a blind eye to the safety of the good people livin' in that ol' building.
But fear not, me hearties! Justice will be served, like a hearty bowl of grog after a long day on the high seas. The scallywag may have confessed, but those officials best be walkin' the plank themselves for their negligence!
So let this be a lesson to ye all: keep a weather eye on those in charge, for they may be more interested in fillin' their coffers than keepin' the good folk safe. And if ye see any signs of trouble on the horizon, speak up before it be too late! Arrr!

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