The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Trump's matey VP pick be crucial, Lincoln's scallywag forces, and more scallywag tales from Fox News Opinion. Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! Feast yer eyes on the latest missives from Fox News Opinion, and lay yer peepers on the moving pictures of Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo, and their motley crew. 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye! Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye the latest news from the land lubbers at Fox News! Hannity be shoutin' from the rooftops about Biden's physical and mental mess, claimin' everyone be tryin' to cover it up. Aye, the truth be comin' out, mateys!But hold on to yer hats, for there be more tales to be told! Hewitt be askin', which nation leads 'the West'? Aye, a question to ponder over a tankard of grog!And let's not forget Liz Peek, who be talkin' 'bout Trump's critical VP pick, listin' 5 key criteria the president must consider. Aye, decisions, decisions!Gutfeld be tellin' us that the adults finally showed up at college campuses, about time too! And the Culture Club be sayin' that leftist media outlets be dyin' at the worst time for ol' Biden. Aye, tough luck, matey!And there be more, me hearties! Arroyo be spillin' the beans about the Biden White House cozyin' up to 'Star Wars' legend Mark Hamill. And don't ye forget 'bout the failin' grade of teachers fleein' the nation's largest union!So gather 'round, me buckos, as we read 'bout Title IX problems, Lincoln's special forces battlin' Confederate Rangers, and don't forget to check out the Cartoon of the Day for a good laugh! Fox News be bringin' ye all the news fit for a pirate's ears!

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