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Arrr! A band of scallywags be settin' up camp against Israel at Amsterdam Uni, but the law be on their tails!


Arrr mateys! Aye, over 120 scallywags be rounded up at a camp set up at the University of Amsterdam as protests against Israel be sweepin' across Europe. Ye best be keepin' an eye out for them troublemakers, lest they stir up even more mischief!

Arrr, me hearties! The anti-Israel riots have spread to the Netherlands, causing quite the commotion in the early Tuesday morning hours. Police be rounding up more than 120 scallywags at an encampment at the University of Amsterdam. These demonstrations be calling for the end of America and Israel, and they be causing a ruckus not only in the U.S., but now also in Europe.The Dutch police be saying that the protests turned violent, forcing them to take action to restore order. They be using their batons and shields to quell the unrest, even bringing in a mechanical digger to tear down barricades. Luckily, there be no reported injuries in the scuffle.The European troublemakers be copying the tactics of their American counterparts by building barricades and setting up camp on the university grounds. They be demanding that Amsterdam universities sever ties with Israel over the conflict in Gaza.After some scuffles between rival groups, the police gave orders for the protesters to clear out, and when they didn't comply, the makeshift camp be dismantled. The police be saying that the campus be calm now after the crowd dispersed, but campuses in France and the United Kingdom be seeing similar demonstrations as well.Ye be warned, mateys, the seas be rough with unrest in these turbulent times.

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