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Arr, Biden's crew best be keepin' an eye on the scallywags in Hamas' Health Ministry, lest they be cookin' the books!


Arrr mateys, tis be a scurvy trick indeed! The scallywags at the Ministry of Health be blowin' smoke up our hatches with their inflated numbers. Israel be tryin' to pick off the scallywags, but they be takin' out innocent landlubbers instead. Aye, 'tis a grave injustice!

In a comical twist with a 17th-century pirate flair, the Gaza Ministry of Health's infographic, released via Telegram, revealed a lack of data for over 10,000 of the 34,183 supposed martyrs following Hamas' ruthless attack on Israel. Despite concerns over the accuracy of the ministry's figures, the Biden administration continues to reference them without acknowledging their origins. Even President Biden, who previously expressed doubts about the Ministry of Health's data, shared these numbers in his State of the Union address without specifying their source. David Adesnik from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies raised alarms about the incomplete data entries and urged the Biden administration to verify their accuracy with the intelligence community before relying on them.The Ministry of Health's categorization of victims into those reported by hospitals and "reliable media sources" raised suspicions, especially since the sources of the latter remain undisclosed. Adesnik pointed out discrepancies in the gender breakdown of victims and questioned if deaths from misfired Palestinian rockets were included in the tally. The lack of clarity in differentiating between civilian and military casualties further muddies the waters, leading to skepticism about the accuracy of the numbers. As the debate rages on, it is essential to ensure the data's validity to avoid falling prey to manipulative propaganda and to truly understand the human cost of the conflict in Gaza.

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