The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the fancy-schmancy Senators be wantin' to squash the spyin' eyes at the ports o' call! Aye, me privacy!


Arrr mateys! A motley crew of scallywags be bandin' together to put a stop to the fancy gizmos takin' over the skies. They be demandin' changes to the rules of the air so the newfangled contraptions don't be growin' unchecked. Aye, the sky be belongin' to the birds, not the machines!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, thar be trouble brewin' in the halls of Congress! A group of bilge rats from both sides of the aisle are joinin' forces to put a stop to the fancy new technology takin' over the skies!
They be wantin' to add some fancy words to the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration to put a halt to the expansion of this newfangled contraption. They be sayin' it's causin' all sorts of trouble up there in the wild blue yonder!
So buckle yer swashes, me mateys, and get ready for a showdown in the halls of power! Will these landlubbers be able to put a stop to the march of progress? Will they be able to keep the skies safe from this new menace?
Only time will tell, me hearties, so keep yer eyes on the horizon and yer ears to the wind. The battle for the skies is about to begin, and it's up to these lily-livered lawmakers to save the day!

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