The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, be ye hearin' the news? Robert Downey Jr. be settin' sail fer Broadway in Ayad Akhtar's play!


Arrr matey! The swashbucklin' actor be takin' on the role of an A.I.-curious scribe in "McNeal," settin' sail at Lincoln Center Theater this September. Yo ho ho, it be a tale worth tellin' on the high seas!

Arrr! Avast ye mateys! Listen up, fer I have news of the highest order! The great Oscar-winning actor be settin' sail fer a new adventure on the stage! He be takin' on a role as an A.I.-curious author in the grand production of “McNeal” at Lincoln Center Theater!
Arrr, me hearties! September be the month when this grand tale be startin' its performances! The decks of the theater shall be transformed into a swashbucklin' world of mystery and intrigue, with our illustrious actor at the helm!
Ye best be grabbin' yer tickets quick, afore they be sellin' out like barrels of rum at a pirate's feast! This be a show that ye won't want to miss, with laughter and excitement awaitin' ye at every turn!
So gather yer crew and make haste to Lincoln Center Theater, fer a rollickin' good time be awaitin' ye! The high seas of entertainment be callin', and this be a voyage ye won't soon be forgettin'!

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