The Booty Report

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The lassie's old sea dog be in a pickle in the land of the Rooskies, by the old Davy Jones!


Arrr! The mum of a U.S. Army matey, locked up in Russia for thievery, blabbered to "Good Morning America" and swears her lad be framed like a picture on the captain's wall. Aye, 'tis a tale as fishy as a mermaid's kiss!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the tale of Army Staff Sgt. Gordon Black's detainment in Russia is a curious one. His dear mother, Melody Jones, cried foul play, believing her son had been "set up" by a Russian woman he met in South Korea. This woman, who Jones suspected of being a spy, caused much strife in Black's life. From beating to stealing, the charges against him are grave indeed. Black, an experienced soldier who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, made an unexpected detour to Vladivostok, Russia, against official orders. Now, he faces a lengthy stay in a Russian pre-trial detention facility, with a hearing scheduled for early July. The State Department strongly advises against travel to Russia, where several other Americans, like English instructor William Nycum and corporate security executive Paul Whelan, have also faced legal troubles. As negotiations for their release continue, the fate of these detained Americans remains uncertain in the hands of the Russian authorities.

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