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Arr, Russia be defending their right to veto the UN resolution on keepin' the skies free of nuclear weapons!


Arr, those scurvy dogs in Russia be standin' firm against the notion of preventin' a space-based nuclear arms race! Instead, they be suggestin' a ban on space weapons in their own resolution. Aye, we be sailin' into uncharted waters with these landlubbers!

Russia defended its veto of a U.N. resolution urging nations to prevent a nuclear arms race in outer space, challenging the U.S. and Japan to support Moscow’s resolution calling for a ban on all weapons in space "for all time." Russia accused the U.S. and its allies of hypocrisy and double standards, while the U.S. countered by pointing out Russia’s own anti-satellite weapons and nuclear threats. The verbal clash occurred as Russia threatened British military facilities and announced drills simulating tactical nuclear weapons use in response to Western comments on Ukraine. The U.N. expressed concern over nuclear risks amid growing tensions.The vetoed resolution aimed to uphold the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which prohibits the deployment of weapons of mass destruction in space. Russia's rival resolution proposes a complete ban on all weapons in space. The U.S. argued for upholding the existing treaty and criticized Russia's actions as divisive. Japan warned of catastrophic consequences if a nuclear weapon detonated in outer space, affecting global infrastructure and development. Amid escalating rhetoric, the international community faces challenges in maintaining peace and security in outer space.

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