The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs be needin' patience as ye face delays at ports o' entry in th' U.K. Har har!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! The officials of the airport be claimin' that a foul system outage be causin' long waits for the immigration gates of the Border Force. Arrr, it be a grand inconvenience for all us weary travelers arrivin' in Britain!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye landlubbers, for I have news of a mighty inconvenience plaguing the travelers of the high seas. The officials of the airport have declared that a cursed system outage befallin' the immigration gates of the Border Force be causin' a great delay for all those who be arrivin' in the fair land of Britain. The poor souls be waitin' for hours on end, their patience wearin' thin like the sails of a ship caught in a tempest.
Imagine the chaos, me mateys! The lines stretchin' as far as the eye can see, the grumblin' bellies of hungry travelers echoin' through the halls. 'Tis a sight to strike fear in the heart of any seasoned sailor. But fear not, for the officials be workin' tirelessly to fix the problem and restore order to the port. So batten down the hatches and hold fast, for soon the gates shall open wide and the weary travelers shall be free to roam the shores once more.
But until then, let us raise a tankard of grog to those brave souls stranded in the purgatory of the airport, and pray that the winds of fortune be at their backs. For in the end, we be all travelers on the same turbulent seas of life, seekin' safe harbor in a world filled with unexpected storms.

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