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Arr, Belarus be doin' nuclear exercises after Russia, causin' quite a stir with the West! What a ruckus!


Arrr, the land lubbers in Belarus be playin' with their missiles and warplanes, ready to wield tactical nuclear weapons! Just a day after Russia be boastin' 'bout their own drills. Arrr, seems like the seas be gettin' a bit choppy with all these shenanigans!

Arr, ye scallywags! Belarus be raisin' the Jolly Roger with drills o' missiles 'n warplanes capable o' carryin' tactical nuclear weapons, all thanks to their matey Russia, who's been stashin' 'em there amid tension with the West o'er Ukraine.The Belarusian maneuvers be kickin' off shortly after Russia announced their own plans for similar drills with battlefield nuclear weapons, claimin' it be in response to Western officials talkin' tough about Ukraine. This be the first time Moscow be makin' such a public announcement.Captain Viktor Khrenin be sayin' they'll be usin' Iskander missiles 'n Su-25 fighter jets for these drills, all in cahoots with Russia as they swear to protect their booty.Last year, Russia be movin' some o' their tactical nuclear weapons into Belarus, right next to Ukraine 'n NATO members like Poland. 'Tis all part o' their plan to keep their enemies at bay.Instead o' blowin' up whole cities, these tactical nuclear weapons be aimed at soldiers on the battlefield. They be includin' bombs, warheads, 'n artillery munitions.Putin 'n Lukashenko be claimin' they be playin' defense with these weapons, tryin' to scare off any potential attackers. But not all be happy with their game, as Belarus' opposition leader be meetin' with NATO to protest the presence o' Russian nuclear weapons."Nuclear weapons turn Belarus 'n Belarusians into targets," she be cryin'. "The Russian weapons be a threat to all o' Europe!"

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