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"Arrr mateys! Hear ye about the journey o' the Olympic torch from Marseille to Mont-Blanc to Paris!"


Avast ye mateys! The flame from Ancient Olympia hath been set ablaze on April 16, and now be makin' its way to France aboard the mighty three-mast ship Belem. Aye, we be keepin' a weather eye out for this torch, it be arrivin' soon! Arrr!

The Olympic torch is set to make its way into France as it reaches Marseille, a port city in the south. The journey of the torch has been quite an adventure, starting with its lighting in Ancient Olympia on April 16. It was then carried around Greece before being loaded onto the Belem, a historic three-mast ship heading for Marseille.The Belem, dating back to 1896, will be accompanied by over 1,000 boats as it parades around the Bay of Marseille before docking at the Vieux-Port. Torch bearers will then carry the flame across Marseille, including a stretch at the iconic Stade VĂ©lodrome.After Marseille, the torch will embark on a relay route before reaching Paris for the opening ceremony of the Games on July 26. Before reaching Paris, the torch will visit various locations, including the visually stunning site of Mont Saint-Michel and France's overseas territories through the Ocean Relay.The torch's journey will include stops in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc for Olympic Day, historic areas like Verdun, and eventually culminate in Paris on Bastille Day. The torch will then make its way through Versailles and other suburbs before returning to Paris for the grand opening ceremony on the Seine River.With 10,000 people carrying the torch, security is a top priority, with local police ensuring safety. The torches themselves are eco-friendly, burning biogas and made with recycled steel to reduce environmental impact.

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