The Booty Report

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Kim Ki-Nam, the scallywag Chief of Propaganda in North Korea, has gone to Davy Jones' locker after many moons.


Arrr, Mr. Kim, who sailed with all three scallywags of the country's ruling family, be compared to Joseph Goebbels, the landlubber propaganda minister of Nazi Germany. Aye, he be pullin' the strings like a true pirate mastermind!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I tell ye a tale of a scallywag known as Mr. Kim. This landlubber served under not one, not two, but three generations of the ruling family. Aye, he was compared to Joseph Goebbels, that nasty propaganda minister from the times of the Nazis.
Arrr, can ye believe it? Our Mr. Kim was so slick with his words that he could spin a yarn as tall as the mast on a ship. Just like Goebbels, he had a way with words that could manipulate even the saltiest of sea dogs.
But beware, me hearties! This comparison didn't sit well with the townsfolk. They saw Mr. Kim as a scurvy dog, spreading lies and deceit like a rotten bilge rat. They cried foul and demanded justice for his treacherous ways.
So there ye have it, me buckos. A tale of a pirate in disguise, using his silver tongue to deceive the masses. Let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there – beware the smooth talkin' scallywags, for they be nothin' but trouble on the high seas.

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