The Booty Report

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Arrr, the temporary plank for Gaza aid be finished, ready to set sail once the skies clear, says the Pentagon!


Arrr mateys, the Pentagon be claimin' that they've put together the heart of a floating pier, but curse the high seas and foul weather for keepin' it from settin' sail! Aye, tis a true test of patience for these landlubbers.

Arr mateys, ye scallywags! The floating pier off the coast of Gaza, meant for deliverin' humanitarian aid, be completin' its construction, but be unable to set sail due to rough seas, according to them bloomin' Pentagon officials tellin' Fox News.The Trident Pier section, or the causeway, be ready for anchorin' to the shore, while the floatin' pier section also be finished, by Blackbeard's beard!But alas, the weather be as fierce as a fired cannonball, preventin' the parts from reachin' Gaza. The JLOTS components be waitin' at Port of Ashdod, yearnin' to be moved by CENTCOM, but the high winds and sea swells be makin' it too unsafe to sail, shiver me timbers!Once finally in place, the U.S. military and USAID plan to deliver aid usin' military vessels and trucks, but the exact date be unknown due to the weather and security concerns, arr!The project be causin' a stir with the estimated cost nearly doublin' and only bein' temporary for three months, blow me down! But the pier be capable of providin' two million meals a day for the people of Gaza, by Davy Jones' locker!

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