The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! 11 poor souls be rescued from Davy Jones' locker after a cursed building befalling in South Africa!


Arrr, me hearties! Aye, the rescue crew hath found 11 souls buried alive in the wreckage of a building in George, South Africa. 'Twas still bein' built when it crumbled like a soggy biscuit. Avast! Luck be on their side this day!

In the jolly tongue of a 17th-century pirate, ye scallywags! Listen up to this tale of woe and rescue on the coast of South Africa. Arrr, rescue teams have made contact with 11 poor souls trapped under the rubble of a collapsed apartment complex. Aye, one man even managed to call his wife from beneath the debris. Six workers have already gone to Davy Jones' locker, with fears that more may follow. No news on 37 others missing in the wreckage.Twenty-one souls were saved, but 11 suffered severe injuries. The search-and-rescue mission be lasting three days, says the head of disaster management. The work be hard, with concrete breakers and drills near the trapped souls. Aye, it be a race against time to rescue the wounded before it be too late.More than 100 brave souls toiled through the night, aided by sniffer dogs and heavy machinery. The searchers ordered silence to listen for survivors, finding the 11 trapped workers. More be waiting for rescue as investigations into the cause of this tragedy begin. Let's hope for fair winds and following seas for all involved.

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