The Booty Report

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In Serbia, Xi be speakin' of strong bond with mate who be not trustin' the Americans, arrr!


Arrr, whilst sailin' t' Eastern Europe, th' Chinese president be celebratin' th' 25th anniversary o' a blunderous U.S. attack that razed China's embassy in Belgrade. Aye, 'twas a jolly good time with friendly leaders, arrr!

Arr mateys, the Chinese president be off on a grand adventure to visit some friendly leaders in Eastern Europe. But ye see, he be commemoratin' a rather unfortunate event - the 25th anniversary of a misdirected U.S. airstrike that blasted China’s embassy in Belgrade to smithereens!
Now ye might be wonderin', why be celebratin' such a calamity? Well, it be more about rememberin' the folly of war and mendin' diplomatic fences than raisin' a tankard in mirth. But me thinks there be a lesson here for all ye scurvy dogs - always double check yer coordinates before firin' cannons or ye might just end up blowin' up a friendly embassy by mistake!
So the Chinese president, with all his pomp and circumstance, be payin' his respects to the fallen embassy and makin' amends with his Eastern European mates. Let this be a cautionary tale to all ye landlubbers out there - diplomacy be a delicate dance, and one wrong step can lead to a mighty embarrassing situation. So mind yer manners, check yer maps, and always keep a weather eye out for trouble on the high seas!

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