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Arrr! Poland catches Russian scallywag sneakin' across Belarus border. Security dogs be barkin'! Aye!


Arrr, a 41-year-old scallywag from Russia be caught by the Polish sea dogs for sneakin' into their territory from Belarus! The lad be currently in the hot seat, gettin' grilled by the authorities. Aye, the risks be high for those who dare to trespass!

Arr, ye scallywags in Poland be on high alert after a 41-year-old rascal from Russia be caught sneakin' in from Belarus, arr!The Border Guard be confirmatin' that this scallywag be a "deserter" from the Russian crew, arr!Deputy Interior Minister Czeslaw Mroczek be investigatin' whether this scallywag be fleein' from the horrors of war or carryin' out secret tasks for Russia in the European Union, arr!Arr, we must be determinin' this scoundrel's intentions, whether he be spyin' for the Russian secret services, arr!The media be reportin' that this scallywag be unarmed and in civilian clothes, carryin' a contract with the Russian army for actions in their war against Ukraine, arr!This be happenin' as Prime Minister Donald Tusk be discussin' alleged Russian influences in Poland and a controversial judge defectin' to Belarus, arr!

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