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Arr mateys, Kenya's captain be givin' us a day off to lament the lost souls taken by the mighty floods!


Arrr, the captain of Kenya hath decreed May 10 as a day o' rest to mourn the souls lost to the treacherous floods. To honor 'em, we shall plant trees instead o' buryin' our treasure. Aye, a noble tribute indeed!

In the midst of the ongoing flooding that has claimed the lives of 238 souls, Kenya's President William Ruto has declared Friday a public holiday for mourning. Arr, me hearties, the day will be marked with national tree planting activities to combat the scourge of climate change, as the country, along with other parts of East Africa, be engulfed by floods. Over 235,000 landlubbers be displaced and forced to seek refuge in camps.President Ruto, in his wisdom, also announced the reopening of schools across the land, after a delay of two weeks due to the relentless rains that have wrecked hundreds of schools. The government, in its infinite mercy, has earmarked funds for the repair of more than 1,000 schools ravaged by the floods.The weather forecast be not promising, with more rain on the horizon. The government be takin' drastic measures to evacuate folks from flood-prone areas as water levels in the major dams be at "historic levels". This week, houses in the settlements of Mathare and Mukuru were razed, and the displaced families be promised a paltry sum to start anew after ignoring the call to evacuate during the deadly rains. Avast, me hearties, the situation be dire indeed.

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