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Arrr, land lubbers in North Macedonia be choosin' their leaders in a grand election showdown! Avast, democracy at work!


Arrr, the scallywags be bickerin' o'er corruption and joinin' the European Union in North Macedonia's elections. 'Tis like tryin' to navigate through treacherous waters with a leaky ship and a crew of landlubbers! Aye, may the best pirate win!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the land of North Macedonia was abuzz with the casting of ballots in a parliamentary election and a presidential runoff, me hearties! The issues at hand included the country's journey to join the European Union, corruption running amok, and the state of the economy, arrrr!The first round of the presidential election favored Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, backed by the center-right opposition, over the current incumbent Stevo Pendarovski, supported by the ruling center-left coalition. The parliamentary election saw over 1,700 candidates jockeying for 120 seats, with a focus on EU accession, combating corruption, alleviating poverty, and reviving the sluggish economy.Opinion polls tipped the scales in favor of the center-right opposition, with coalitions representing ethnic Albanians also in the mix. Neighboring Bulgaria posed a blockade on North Macedonia's EU aspirations, demanding a constitutional amendment to recognize a Bulgarian minority, while corruption remained a pressing concern.As the North Macedonians eagerly awaited the election results, the journey towards EU membership and the battle against corruption remained on the horizon, with hopes high for progress and a brighter future ahead, me hearties!

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