The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags at Trinity College be tearin' down the landlubber's antiwar camp! Aye, they be showin' 'em who's boss! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, them scallywags be dismantlin' thar camp as Trinity College Dublin be jumpin' ship from them Israeli companies. The seas be shiftin' in this war o' opinions, but no need for the cannons, just a bit o' wit and diplomacy.

Arrr, me hearties! Them scallywags be takin' down their camp faster than a ship sailin' in a tailwind after hearin' that Trinity College Dublin be divestin' from three Israeli companies! The students be fightin' against the war in Gaza, but when they heard the news, they be packin' up quicker than a pirate grabbin' his treasure.
Ye see, Trinity College be settin' an example for other universities by cuttin' ties with them Israeli companies. The students be wantin' to make a statement, but when they heard the news, they be sayin' "Aye, we be makin' a difference here!"
So off they went, takin' down their tents and banners, singin' sea shanties as they worked. The camp be disappearin' faster than a bottle o' rum at a pirate party!
Them students be cheerin' and celebratin', knowin' that their efforts be not in vain. Trinity College be showin' that they be standin' against the war in Gaza, and them students be proud to have been a part of it. So here's to Trinity College and them students, fightin' for what they believe in like true pirates of the sea!

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