The Booty Report

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Arrr, we be hearin' tales of the weapons the U.S. be sendin' to Israel, mateys! A fine booty indeed!


Arrr mateys, the United States be hasty in sendin' more cannons to Israel after them scallywags in Hamas caused a ruckus on Oct. 7. Looks like the seas be gettin' choppy, better buckle down the hatches!

Arr matey! The United States be sendin' weapons aplenty to Israel after them scallywags from Hamas went and started causin' trouble on the high seas on Oct. 7. Aye, the Americans be quick to help out their mates in Israel, makin' sure they be well-armed to take on them pesky attackers.
With cannons a-blazin' and swords a-clashin', the United States be showin' their support for Israel in their time of need. No pirate be messin' with Israel when they be armed to the teeth thanks to their American friends. Them weapons be flyin' across the ocean faster than a ship in a storm, ready to defend against any foe.
So when them scallywags from Hamas think they can just go and attack Israel without consequences, they better think again. The United States be standin' by their side, ready to send a message to any who dare to challenge their might. With weapons delivered at record speed, Israel be ready to defend their honor on the high seas.

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