The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Dan Stevens be drawn to the siren call of eccentric roles like a moth to a flame, matey!


Avast ye scallywags! The matey from "Downton Abbey" be lovin' roles that tickle the fancy o' them filmmakers. He be battlin' monsters in "Godzilla x Kong" and gallivantin' in "Abigail." Aye, he be a proper swashbuckler on the silver screen! Arrr!

Arr matey! Avast ye landlubbers, listen up! Despite his fancy roots in that “Downton Abbey” show, the matey who be playin' roles in “Godzilla x Kong” and “Abigail” be likin' them parts that tickle the filmmaker's fancy. Aye, he be a jolly good scallywag, bringin' laughter and joy to all who lay eyes upon his performances.
Ye see, this swashbuckler be not just a pretty face, but a talented buccaneer who knows how to entertain the masses. Whether he be stompin' around with giant monsters or romancin' the ladies in corsets, he be givin' it his all and bringin' a smile to all who be watchin'.
So next time ye be settin' sail for the cinema, keep an eye out for this dashing rapscallion. He be the kind of salty dog who be makin' the filmmaker grin from ear to ear. And remember, mateys, always be supportin' yer favorite actors, no matter if they be wearin' powdered wigs or brandishin' swords on the high seas!

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