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Ye scallywags be back to healin' the crew, aye! No more plunderin' without a doctor's permission! Arrr!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The public hospital doctors union of Kenya hath finally struck a deal with the government to end their merry strike that hath been plaguing the land since March. Ye heard it right, me hearties - the doctors be returnin' to work! Aye, the seas be calm once more.

The doctors union of Kenya's public hospitals finally signed a return to work agreement with the government, ending a national strike that had been causing chaos since mid-March. Davji Atellah, the union secretary general, expressed trust in the government to resolve the labor issues that led to the strike, such as poor remuneration and working conditions. A labor court had given both parties 48 hours to reach an agreement, threatening court intervention if they failed.Health Minister Susan Nakhumicha admitted that the doctors had out-negotiated the government and had fought hard. The strike's end brought relief to many Kenyans who rely on public hospitals, some of which had resorted to hiring temporary doctors for emergency services. This strike was not the first, with a 100-day strike in 2017 demanding better wages and improved public-health facilities.Meanwhile, Kenya is also grappling with the devastating effects of flooding that began in March, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. The end of the strike is a welcome development amidst the challenges the country faces.

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