The Booty Report

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Arrr! Public school scallywags clash with university bigwigs in a battle of wits at an antisemitism hearing.


By Jolly Roger's beard! Aye, the cunning school leaders be like sly seadogs, mixing things up to outsmart the blabbering Congress! Arrr, they be swashbuckling their way to victory, thwarting those landlubbers with their fancy speeches and grandstanding! Aye, a clever crew, they be!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, fer I've got a tale to spin about them school leaders and their clever ways of outwitting Congress! Ye see, those landlubbers in Congress be thirstin' fer power and always tryin' to make a point, but them school leaders be no fools!
They be mixin' things up, thinkin' outside the box, and showin' Congress a thing or two about how to run a ship. By changin' the game and keepin' Congress on their toes, they be takin' control of the situation and chartin' their own course.
So next time ye be feelin' overwhelmed by them politicians in Congress, remember the wise ways of them school leaders. Be creative, be bold, and be ready to shake things up! Arrr, with a bit of wit and a lot of courage, ye can sail through any storm and come out on top. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and show Congress who be the real captains of this ship!

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