The Booty Report

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Arrr! Berkeley and NYC be in a tizzy after hearin' about antisemitism in the House! Avast ye mateys!


Arrr mateys in Berkeley, Calif., New York City, and Montgomery County, Md., be talkin' about the hearin' on antisemitism and it be seemin' like their opinions be swaying like the waves on the high seas. Ye best be holdin' on tight to yer compass, me hearties!

Arrr! Berkeley and NYC be in a tizzy after hearin' about antisemitism in the House! Avast ye mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! In Berkeley, Calif., New York City, and Montgomery County, Md., some scallywags be talkin' about a hearing on antisemitism. But it seems like their opinions be swayin' their responses, like a ship in rough waters!
Some be standin' strong in their beliefs, like a pirate defendin' his loot, while others be changin' course dependin' on the wind. It be like a game of cat and mouse, with each side tryin' to outwit the other!
But remember, mateys, opinions be like treasure maps – they can lead ye astray if ye don't read 'em right! So keep a weather eye on the horizon and don't let yer opinions cloud yer judgement.
So whether ye be from Berkeley, New York City, or Montgomery County, remember to keep a sense of humor about ye. After all, life be too short to be takin' things too seriously!

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