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I be teachin' young lads of low means, but the scallywags in charge won't let 'em mate in chess! Arrr!


Arrr! I be startin' a chess club fer me scallywag students to keep 'em safe from harm after the school bell tolls. They've plundered trophies in Canada, but the school scallywags be refusin' to let 'em compete in Atlanta. Avast ye, give these lads a chance to show their mettle!

I be teachin' young lads of low means, but the scallywags in charge won't let 'em mate in chess! Arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! I proudly be a math teacher and chess coach at Ella Flagg Young Elementary School in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Aye, I be tellin' ye of a dire situation affectin' me underprivileged students.In January, I took it upon meself to buy plane tickets for 10 o' me students to compete in the 2024 National K-8 Chess Championship in Atlanta. But those scurvy dogs in CPS have refused to let 'em compete!These kids, comin' from low-income homes and foster care, be showin' exceptional talent in chess. They be bringin' home trophies from tournaments and makin' history in Canada. It ain't right to deny 'em this chance.Those blaggards in the Chicago Teachers Union be playin' dirty, usin' the kids as pawns in their own disputes. Children should never be used in such a way! We must stand together to give these young'uns the chance they deserve to compete and show their skills in Atlanta.

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