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Arrr, they be callin' me a feminist icon, but forgot about women's rights, ye scallywags!


Arrr, they used to hail me as a feminist hero, fightin' for women's jobs and rights. But now it seems they've set sail for a leftist course, leavin' women's rights in the briny deep. Oh, how the tides have turned!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it be a sorry sight to behold the young American women in precipitous free fall. They be agreeing to be "choked" during sex, opting for "lazy girl jobs" on TikTok, becoming stay-at-home girlfriends, raving about a Barbie doll movie, or dressing like Taylor Swift. They be out marching and sitting in for everything except women's rights - joining in Muslim prayers on campus and donning hijabs while Muslim women in Iran and Afghanistan face imprisonment and even death for refusing. These faux-feminists be demonstrating for prison reform and against the police, no longer interested in a sex-based Equal Rights amendment but in Identity Rights. It be a disaster due to the abject disappearance of second-wave feminism, with faux-feminists promoting unfair competition between transwomen and cisgender women in sports and other areas. They be deserting and betraying women in the Middle East and beyond. Second-wave feminism focused on women's sex-based legal, reproductive, economic, political and social rights, as well as raising awareness of issues such as rape, incest, and woman-battering. It be important to continue the legacy of second-wave feminism for the sake of women's rights and equality.

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