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Ye olde Fiji leader sent to the brig fer stickin' his nose where it don't belong in criminal matters! Arrr!


Ye scurvy dog Frank Bainimarama be walkin' the plank to the brig for tryin' to hide his loot! The old sea dog thought he could outwit 'em, but the law be catchin' up to him like a shark on a scent o' blood. Aye, justice be served! Arrr!

Former Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, me hearties, was sentenced Thursday to a year in the brig for stickin' his nose where it didn't belong while he ruled over his South Pacific island nation. The Acting High Court of Fiji Chief Justice gave the 70-year-old scallywag a year for tryin' to pervert the course of justice. Suspended Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho got two years for his own misdeeds, arrr.Bainimarama, who had been in charge for a good 16 years, startin' as a military dictator after a 2006 coup and then as a democratically elected prime minister, was replaced by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka after the 2022 election. In 2019, he put a stop to a police investigation into financial shenanigans at the University of the South Pacific, which be owned by 12 Pacific Island nations. The university had accused former staff of mismanagin' funds for years, arrr.The prime minister and police commissioner allegedly put an end to the investigation, but prosecutors didn't take kindly to that and took them to court again. Even though a lower court had let them off the hook last October, the High Court found them guilty this time. Bainimarama's missus cried, and his lawyers be talkin' of appeal, but the judge wouldn't let him go free while they do it. Off to the prison outside Suva he went, in chains, to serve his time, arrr.

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