The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Mexico be sharpenin' its cutlasses in case that scallywag Trump sets sail back to office!


Arrr, the scallywags be talkin' 'bout a big change in our dealings with them landlubbers if that Trump fella be winnin' in November. Me thinks we best be preparin' for some rough waters ahead!

Avast ye mateys! Mexican officials and their trusty aides be makin' plans for a mighty change in their dealings with the land of the free, if that scallywag Donald Trump be claimin' victory come November. Aye, they be expectin' rough seas ahead if that orange-haired buccaneer be takin' the helm.
They be battening down the hatches and preparin' for a storm like no other. The thought of dealin' with that swashbucklin' Trump be scarin' them to their very core. They be wonderin' how they can navigate the treacherous waters with such a blustering pirate at the helm.
But fear not me hearties, for these Mexican officials be a crafty bunch. They be puttin' their heads together and devisin' a plan to protect their precious booty and keep their ship afloat. They be talkin' of buildin' walls of their own and barrin' the doors to that Trump character.
So, as the winds of change blow across the seas, the Mexicans be standin' strong and ready to face whatever challenges come their way. Let's raise a mug of rum to their courage and hope that they can weather the storm that be brewin' on the horizon.

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