The Booty Report

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In Budapest, Xi be a-singin' 'bout China's strong bond wit' Hungary, arr matey! Aye, deep friendship be sailin'!


Arrr, the Chinese leader had a parley with Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, a loyal matey to China in Europe. Orban be known for his love of all things Chinese, aye, he be protectin' their treasure like a true buccaneer!

Arrr matey! The Chinese leader had a jolly good meeting with Viktor Orban, that Hungarian prime minister who be one of China's biggest fans in all of Europe. Aye, he be protectin' and admirin' them Chinese folk like they be buried treasure!
Orban be standin' strong as a first mate on a pirate ship, steerin' Hungary towards closer ties with China. He be helpin' them Chinese navigate the choppy waters of European politics, keepin' their ship steady and their treasures safe.
But me hearties, beware! Some folks be warnin' that Orban be lettin' China plunder Hungary's riches in return for a few pieces of gold. They be sayin' he be tradin' away Hungary's freedom for a trinket or two from the Chinese treasure chest. Aye, it be a risky game he be playin'!
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, for the winds of change be blowin' strong between China and Hungary. Will Orban steer his ship safely through the storm, or be he leadin' his crew straight into Davy Jones' locker? Only time will tell in this swashbucklin' tale of politics and plunder!

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