The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, a new display o' civil rights be askin': what be yer deed in such a situation, matey?


Avast ye landlubbers! A show at a synagogue in Birmingham, Ala., doth proclaim that lendin' an ear to them scallywags who linger on the edge can enrich our grasp of times of yore, and the here and now. Arrr!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, there be an exhibit at a synagogue in Birmingham, Ala., that be arguin' that we should be listenin' to those folk who be stayin' on the periphery. Arrr, they be sayin' that by listenin' to these folks, we can be gettin' a better understandin' of the past and the present. Aye, 'tis true! Those on the fringes be havin' stories to tell, tales of their own that can shed light on history and the world we be livin' in today. So next time ye be seein' someone standin' on the edge, give 'em a listen, ye never know what treasures they be holdin'.

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