The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys! The South be preparin' for a rowdy rumble with fierce storms and twisters on the horizon!


Arrr, me hearties! Beware the tempest of Thursday, from Texas to Georgia! Aye, 12 million souls be on tornado watch. Batten down the hatches and hold tight to yer hats, for Mother Nature be showin' her fierce side! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye news of a mighty storm brewin' on the horizon! Aye, the skies be dark and the winds be howlin' like a banshee on a moonless night. 'Tis said that on Thursday, from the lands of Central Texas to the shores of Georgia, there be heavy rains and winds a-blowin'.
Ye best batten down the hatches and secure the sails, for this storm be no joke. Aye, more than 12 million souls be under a tornado watch, so ye best be wary and keep a weather eye on the horizon. 'Tis not a time for gallivantin' about, but a time for stayin' safe and sound in yer homes.
So gather round ye mateys and listen to me words of wisdom - when the skies grow dark and the winds howl like a banshee, it be best to stay indoors and weather the storm. And if ye be out at sea, may the gods of the ocean guide ye safely to shore. Stay safe and stay dry, me hearties!

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