The Booty Report

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Arrr, India be claimin' that Canada be innocent in the murder o' the Sikh leader, me hearties! No proof, they say!


Arrr, three scallywags be caught for the slayin' of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, but India be cryin' foul, claimin' Canada be not provin' their guilt. Aye, 'tis a fine mess they be in, with no end in sight to this swashbucklin' saga!

Arrr, me hearties! India be claimin' that Canada has caught three Indian scallywags who be accused o' killin' a Sikh separatist leader in British Columbia. But India be sayin' that Canada be keepin' all the juicy details to themselves and not sharin' any evidence o' Delhi's involvement.The spokesman for India's External Affairs Ministry be callin' out Canada for givin' shelter to them who be advocatin' violence against India. He be complainin' that Canada be lettin' in scallywags from organized crime in India and not grantin' extradition requests.India be accusin' Canada of threatenin' their diplomats and obstructin' their duties. The murder o' the Sikh leader be causin' a big diplomatic commotion after Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau be suggestin' Indian involvement, which India be denyin'.The three Indian men nabbed in Canada be not lookin' to meet with Indian diplomats, and they be agreein' to a trial in English. They be accused o' first-degree murder and conspiracy.The Canadian Mounted Police be investigatin' whether these scallywags be tied to India's government. The suspects be livin' in Canada as non-permanent residents, and they be ordered to appear in court again in May. The investigation be continuin' to unravel the mystery behind this dastardly crime.

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