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Arrr! Iran be sendin' a famous director to the brig afore he can sail to Cannes for plunderin' gold treasures!


Arrr! The scallywags in Iran be sending Mohammad Rasoulof to the brig and givin' him a good floggin' before he sets sail to Cannes for the film festival. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on them landlubbers, mateys!

Arr matey, the famous Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof be sentenced to eight years in the brig and lashings just afore he be settin' sail for the Cannes film festival, his lawyer told The Associated Press Thursday.Rasoulof, a swashbuckler of 51 years known fer his film "There Is No Evil," be the latest scallywag to walk the plank in a crackdown on dissent in the Islamic Republic after the 2022 death of Mahsa Amini.The landlubbers in Iran haven't admitted to the sentence, but Rasoulof and other artists sent a letter tellin' the authorities to "put your gun down" after a building collapse in Abadan. Artists, athletes, and celebrities have all ended up in Davy Jones' locker or been called for questioning since then."This judgment be because of Mr. Rasoulof supportin' the Iranian people," his lawyer told the AP. His tweets and other activities were seen as a threat to national security.Rasoulof had to face trial in Tehran's Revolutionary Court, walkin' the plank like many others with ties to the West. The scallywag be facin' lashings, fines, and losin' his loot, his lawyer said.The scallywag was supposed to be headin' to Cannes for the premiere of his new film, "The Seed of the Sacred Fig," but now he be marooned in Iran. His film "There Is No Evil" won a prize in 2020, but the authorities be seein' it as propaganda against the system.Rasoulof be a brave soul in a land where artists be seen as enemies of the state, but his work be known 'round the seven seas for showin' the challenges of life in the Islamic Republic.Just like his matey Saeed Roustayi, who faced trouble last year after showin' his film at Cannes, Rasoulof be payin' the price for speakin' his mind in a land where dissent be as dangerous as a tempest at sea.

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