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Arrr, me mateys! Chad's captain be triumphant in the battle fer presidency! Aye, aye, aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag Mahamat Deby Itno be claimin' victory in the election, but doubloons be castin' doubt on his legitimacy. Let's hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for truth and justice! Aye, me parrot concurs.

Arr matey! This week, Chad's military leader, Mahamat Deby Itno, be declared the winner of the presidential election, according to provisional results released Thursday. But his rival, Prime Minister Succès Masra, be cryin' foul!The election agency in Chad released the results earlier than planned, showin' Deby Itno winnin' with over 61% of the vote, while Masra be laggin' far behind with just over 18.5%. Gunfire even broke out in the capital after the announcement!Arr! This election be a long time comin' after three years of military rule, with Deby Itno expected to win. He took power after his father was killed fightin' rebels in 2021.Masra, the runner-up, even made a speech accusin' the authorities of plannin' to manipulate the results, callin' on the military and police to defy Deby Itno's orders. But the president's office had no immediate response.The Transformers opposition party, led by Masra, faced suspension and crackdowns on protests before an agreement allowed him to return to Chad and become prime minister. Chad be seen as a stable ally in the region, unlike Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, where military coups have expelled French forces.

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