The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywag be spillin' his guts to his wench about sendin' 3 landlubbers to Davy Jones' locker!


Arr matey, 'tis said this scallywag be confessin' to his lassie that he dispatched 'three gringos' on the sandy shores o' Mexico. Seems this landlubber be up to some foul play, arr! Let's hope justice be swift and harsh upon this treacherous knave.

In the midst of a court hearing, there were allegations that Jesús Gerardo Garcia Cota, a suspect in the murders of two Australian brothers and an American on a surfing trip in Mexico, confessed to his girlfriend that he was responsible for their deaths. The girlfriend, Ari Gisel, claimed that Garcia Cota admitted to killing the three individuals using the term "gringos" to describe them. Mexican prosecutors identified him as Jesús Gerardo, also known as "el Kekas," which means "quesadillas" in slang.Following his confession, Garcia Cota supposedly showed Gisel his vehicle, which was equipped with tires believed to have been stolen from the victims' truck. Mexican authorities suggested that the motive behind the murders was the theft of the surfers' truck tires. The criminals apparently encountered the foreigners, attempted to steal the tires, and resorted to violence when confronted.Chief state prosecutor María Elena Andrade Ramírez speculated that the thieves disposed of the bodies in a remote location, including a well where a fourth body was discovered. The victims all suffered gunshot wounds to the head. As investigations continue, Garcia Cota faces charges for the disappearances and potential homicide charges. Additionally, law enforcement is pursuing two other suspects in custody for alleged drug possession.

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