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Yarrr! The scallywag be admittin' to his deed of takin' down the brave lass in Detroit! Aye, justice be served!


Arrr, mateys! The scallywag Eddie Ray-Jr. Johnson of Garden City, Michigan, hath pleaded no contest to manslaughter for sendin' poor Sgt. Elaine Williams to Davy Jones' locker in 2019. May he be cursed with a lifetime of swabbin' the decks!

In a shocking turn of events, a man named Eddie Ray-Jr. Johnson from Garden City, Michigan, found himself in hot water after pleading no contest to manslaughter for shooting Detroit Police Sgt. Elaine Williams during a domestic violence incident in 2019. Originally facing first-degree murder charges, Johnson struck a deal that will see him serving three years of probation, with his sentencing scheduled for June 14. If he violates the terms of his probation, he could face up to 15 years in prison.According to prosecutors, Johnson and Williams, who were domestic partners, had a heated argument after returning home drunk from a bar. Multiple gunshots were heard, leading to Williams being fatally shot and Johnson sustaining a gunshot wound. Johnson claimed that he shot Williams in self-defense after she shot him first, using the same gun issued to her as a sergeant with the Detroit Police Department.Prosecutor Kym Worthy acknowledged the complexities of the case, stating that the order of events could be interpreted in different ways. Despite the challenges, the decision to offer Johnson a plea deal was deemed as the just thing to do given the circumstances.

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