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Arrr! 90 landlubbers be in a sorry state after train scuffle with boxcar in Argentine port!


Arrr, 'tis a grand calamity that befell upon Buenos Aires on Friday! The train, like a mighty sea vessel, hath struck an empty boxcar and left 90 souls injured. 'Tis a tale of woe and misfortune on the tracks, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! In Argentina's capital, a passenger train collided with an empty boxcar, causing a mighty ruckus and injuring at least 90 scallywags. The train was on its way to the northern suburbs when it derailed on a bridge in the posh neighborhood of Palermo, leaving authorities scratching their heads as to why a ghostly boxcar was on the tracks.Buenos Aires Mayor Jorge Macri, not known for his sense of humor, admitted that there be not enough information about the mechanics of this mishap. The injured were treated on the scene, with some poor souls airlifted to hospitals for treatment of their wounds.Dazed passengers staggered out of the wreckage, telling tales of a sudden jolt and a chaotic scene of sparks and smoke. The Argentine rail authority suspended service on the line and warned people to steer clear of the crash site to make way for the emergency crew.This be not the first time Argentina has faced such calamities, with past train crashes leading to a government investment in new safety measures. Let us hope this be the last time we hear of such a spectacle on the rails!

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