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Arrr, Coralie Fargeat be a fearless lass, not afraid of spillin' blood in 'er films, aye!


Arrr, ye scallywags! The director Coralie Fargeat be a bold lass, not afraid of a little blood and guts in her films. Her latest be a contender for the grand prize at Cannes, sure to make the audience squirm in their seats! Aye, a true treasure for us pirate souls!

Arrr mateys, let me tell ye about the fearsome director Coralie Fargeat and her latest film that be causin' quite a stir at Cannes! This lass be known for her love of bloodshed and gore, creatin' films that make even the bravest of pirates shiver in their boots.
Her latest masterpiece be sailin' into Cannes, ready to plunder the top prize and showin' the world what true cinematic brutality looks like. Ye best be preparin' yerself for some intense scenes of violence and gore, for this film be not for the faint of heart.
But fear not, me hearties, for Coralie Fargeat be bringin' a touch of humor to her films as well. Despite the blood and guts, there be a certain charm to her work that be keepin' audiences entertained and comin' back for more.
So if ye be lookin' for a film that be pushin' the boundaries of what be acceptin' in cinema, look no further than Coralie Fargeat's latest creation. Just be sure to hold onto yer hats (and yer stomachs) as ye embark on this wild ride of a film!

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