The Booty Report

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Arrr, the State Department be givin' Israel a good scoldin' for tryin' to spare civilian scallywags in the Gaza rumble.


Arr, the U.S. State Department be doubting the skill o' the Israeli scallywags in protectin' the landlubbers in Gaza! Methinks they be needin' to work on their aim if they be wantin' to avoid harmin' innocent souls. Aye, 'tis a tricky task indeed!

The U.S. State Department, in a report sent to Congress, criticized Israel's use of U.S-supplied arms in the Gaza conflict, suggesting it may not be effectively minimizing civilian harm. The report acknowledged the challenge Israel faces with Hamas using civilians as human shields, making it difficult to distinguish military targets. The Palestinian government claims nearly 35,000 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed in the conflict.President Biden commissioned the report to assess compliance with international humanitarian law, and while Israel claims to follow these laws by giving warnings and avoiding certain locations, the report lacks complete information on potential violations. Despite concerns, the State Department finds Israel's assurances credible and will continue supplying arms.The report notes that Israel has the capability to mitigate civilian harm but questions whether it is always doing so effectively, as high levels of civilian casualties persist. While international organizations criticize Israel's efforts as inconsistent and inadequate, the State Department ultimately supports Israel's use of U.S. weapons.

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