The Booty Report

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Arrr, Justin Bieber begettin' a wee one with wife Hailey, while King Charles be givin' Prince Harry the cutlass!


Arr matey, gather 'round as I tell ye about the latest scuttlebutt from Hollywood and beyond, brought to ye by the Fox News Entertainment newsletter! Tales of celebrities and gossip aplenty await ye, so hoist the Jolly Roger and join the crew!

Welcome aboard, ye scallywags and landlubbers, to the Fox News Entertainment Newsletter! If ye want to receive this here newsletter straight to yer email, subscribe here.Arrr! Justin Bieber and his fair maiden Hailey be expectin' a wee baby after he be makin' folks worry with his cryin' photos. Continue readin' here…Thar be a cruel snub from King Charles to Prince Harry, givin' him a slap in the face by not seein' his own son, says an expert. Continue readin' here…Avast! Tom Brady's roast be causin' a stir, affectin' his young'uns and leavin' Gisele Bündchen deeply disappointed, as per a report. Continue readin' here…Prince Harry be feelin' the chill after Kate Middleton's battle with cancer, as Prince William be keepin' him away from his lady, according to an expert. Continue readin' here…Blast! Frankie Valli be needin' protection from his own son with a permanent restraining order after threats of physical violence. Continue readin' here…Arrr! Ben Affleck be skippin' the Met Gala with JLo after his wild rant at Tom Brady's roast went viral. Continue readin' here…Yarrr! Country star Jelly Roll's lass be makin' a surprising choice for her first ship, all due to a budget. Continue readin' here…Avast ye! Jerry Seinfeld be askin' Howard Stern for forgiveness after claimin' he ain't funny. Continue readin' here…Shiver me timbers! Camila Cabello be havin' a wardrobe malfunction at the Met Gala, showin' her unmentionables. Continue readin' here…Ahoy! Sharon Stone be sufferin' a brain bleed for 9 days before her mate convinced the doctors to intervene. Continue readin' here…Like what ye be readin'? Click here for more entertainment news!Follow Fox News on social media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X, formerly Twitter.

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