The Booty Report

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Arrr! ‘The Jinx’ be beholden to a strange film ‘bout Robert Durst, a cursed tale indeed!


Arrr, the moving pictures can have a powerful sway on the minds of men. 'Twas a dastardly scoundrel's fondness for a make-believe character that birthed the HBO series. Aye, the pirate's influence be stranger than a mermaid's kiss!

Arrrr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale o' how film can have a powerful hold on the minds o' men. Aye, there be a HBO series that be born from the dark depths o' a killer's twisted mind. It be said that this scallywag was so taken by a fictional portrayal in the series, that he be inspired to commit heinous deeds.
But beware, me mateys, fer this be a cautionary tale. The power o' film can lead some astray, makin' them think they be invincible like a fearsome pirate sailin' the high seas. Let this be a reminder that what ye see on the silver screen be but a mere illusion, not to be taken as a course for action in the real world.
So, me hearties, next time ye be watchin' a film or series, be mindful o' the influence it may have on ye. And remember, it be all fun and games until someone be takin' it too far. Stay true to yerself and don't let the siren call o' fiction lead ye down a dark path.

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