The Booty Report

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Yarr! Seinfeld be gettin' a fancy paper from Duke, but the scallywags be walkin' out in protest!


Arr matey! After the scallywags left, the jester, who be a fan of Israel, gave a speech at graduation that be mostly on the safe side. Ye could practically hear the parrots squawking in disappointment at the lack of excitement!

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of a walkout that happened at a commencement speech given by a comedian who be a supporter of Israel. The speech was mostly cautious, aye, but the crowd did not take kindly to his words. They walked out in protest, leaving the comedian with naught but the sound of their footsteps echoin' in his ears.

The comedian, not one to shy away from controversy, stood his ground and continued his speech, unfazed by the empty seats. His words may have been cautious, but that did not stop the crowd from voicin' their displeasure. The tension in the air be thicker than the fog on a stormy night at sea.

But fear not, me hearties, for the comedian be a seasoned sailor of the stage. He weathered the storm like a true pirate, makin' light of the situation and showin' that even in the face of adversity, a good laugh be the best remedy. So let this be a lesson to ye all, me mateys: sometimes ye just gotta laugh in the face of danger and keep sailin' on, no matter what may come yer way. Arrr!

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