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Former Albanian leader forewarns Biden of Russian scallywags aiming to sabotage European treasures in these waters! Arrr!


Arrr, the former president of Albania be keepin' a sharp eye on the United States to guard against them sneaky Russians tryin' to stir up trouble in the Balkans. Aye, he be wantin' to keep the peace in these waters!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, Albania’s former President Ilir Meta be sendin' a message to President Biden on Fox News – "Don’t forget about Albania and the Western Balkans." Ye see, Meta, who ruled Albania from 2017 to 2022 and now be leadin' the Party of Freedom, be worryin' that the United States be forgettin' one of its most important European and NATO allies.In an interview with Fox News Digital, the former president be sayin' the Balkans be in a sorry state due to outside actors like Russia tryin' to mess with the region's EU integration and NATO membership. "They be lookin' to create a vacuum to cause trouble and undermine European values," Meta warned.The small Balkan nation, one of Europe’s poorest, has been a staunch supporter of U.S. foreign policy goals. But the attention Albania be gettin' from Biden and Western leaders be scarce, despite their struggles to build a democracy.While the U.S. be focusin' on Ukraine and Israel, many in the Balkans be worried they be gettin' left in the lurch. The former president's fears be growin' after news that a sanctioned individual with ties to Russia be joinin' Serbia's new government.Meta be soundin' the alarm about the "Open Balkans" initiative, warnin' it could strengthen regimes like Serbia that be underminin' democracy and free speech. But Serbia be defendin' the initiative, claimin' it be promotin' stability and prosperity in the region.Observers be critical of Serbia and Albania's leaders, sayin' they be corrupt and not helpin' U.S. or European interests. The lack of strategy from the U.S. be allowin' Serbia to play a dangerous game with the West, they say.Russia's influence in the Balkans be a concern, with Moscow tryin' to meddle in conflicts in the region. Meta be urgin' the U.S. to remember the importance of the Balkans and to stand with them against outside interference.The spokesperson for Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama did not respond to requests for comment from Fox News Digital.

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