The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! The scallywags of Hamas be stirring trouble in Gaza once more. Prepare for battle! Arrr!


Arrr, the U.S. secretary of state be warnin' that Israel's triumphs o'er those scurvy dogs of Hamas may not be able to hold fast! Methinks 'tis like tryin' to keep a leaky ship afloat with naught but a bucket! Avast, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! The U.S. secretary of state be talkin' 'bout them scallywags in Israel takin' down the landlubbers in Hamas. He be warnin' that them victories may not be holdin' steady, like a ship in a stormy sea.
But let me tell ye, them Israelites be fightin' like true buccaneers, showin' no fear in the face of danger. They be showin' them Hamas dogs who be the real captains of the sea!
But the secretary of state be raisin' a good point. Them victories may not be as strong as a mermaid's curse. Them landlubbers in Hamas be like rats on a sinkin' ship, always lookin' for a way to strike back.
So me hearties, let's raise a mug of grog to them Israelites for their brave battles, but keep a weather eye out for them sneaky Hamas scoundrels. Victory may be sweet, but it be a fickle mistress on the high seas!

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