Ye scurvy landlubbers causing chaos near Disney World be thrown in the brig for their foolish antics!
Avast ye scallywags! Three landlubbers in Orlando, Florida were clapped in irons after causing a ruckus on Interstate 4 by Disney World. They used two banners to block the path, but the law caught up with 'em quick as a pirate's plunder! Arrr!
Avast! 'Tis a tale of treachery and trouble on the high seas of Interstate 4 near Walt Disney World in Florida! Three scallywags, known for their anti-Israel antics, were arrested for blockading traffic and waving their "Free Palestine" banners, much to the chagrin of the law-abiding motorists.The miscreants – Isabella Giannosa, My Truong, and Jenni Nguyen – were swiftly apprehended by the Florida Highway Patrol and thrown in the brig for disobeying orders. Their vehicles were also seized and towed away like booty from a conquered ship.Video footage captured the wenches causing chaos with their protest signs, even daring to use a Mickey Mouse emblem in their "Free Palestine" banner. The situation escalated as drivers grew restless and started honking their horns and driving through the grass to escape the blockade.Meanwhile, in another part of town, two scallywags were arrested at Lake Eola Park for engaging in fisticuffs with law enforcement officers during a demonstration. The Orlando Police Department had to use a chemical agent to scatter the rowdy rabble, making it clear that not all be peaceful waters in the protest sea.