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Avast, ye scallywags! The flying contraptions be fightin' like dogs, aimin' to outdo Maverick 'gainst China. Aye!


Arrr mateys! No longer be dogfights Maverick against the world, for the Secretary of the Air Force hath shown us by takin' to the skies in a Vista F-16 steered by artificial intelligence. Aye, technology be makin' waves even in the high seas of the air! Arrr!

In a bold move to deter China and ensure American leadership in AI, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall fulfilled a promise to the Senate by letting AI take over and fly an F-16 through aerial engagements near Edwards Air Force Base. At 74 years old, Kendall, a West Point graduate and career Army officer, took the flight for this critical mission.The flight, conducted in a highly modified F-16 known as the X-62 Vista, showcased the capabilities of AI in air combat. While Kendall and a backseat pilot were onboard as spectators, AI agents controlled the airplane, making tactical decisions and executing combat maneuvers.This marks a significant shift towards unmanned combat AI planes in the future Air Force, with plans for over 1,000 such aircraft operational by 2028. The collaboration between AI and human pilots is crucial for national security amidst competition from China, a challenge unlike any faced before. The progress in AI technology is essential, and the Air Force's advancements are commendable in seizing the lead in this domain.As AI continues to improve, the integration of trusted AI with human operators will be key, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of autonomous systems in combat scenarios. Kendall's trust in AI to make autonomous decisions, including firing weapons, highlights the evolving role of AI in modern warfare, where human oversight remains crucial.

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