The Booty Report

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Arr matey, Biden be likin' to ignore the scallywag polls that be givin' him a run for his doubloons!


Arrr! The scallywag president and his crew be likening the polls to a broken compass, claimin' that the real treasure lies on Election Day, yonder in the distant horizon. Aye, they be ignorin' the signs like a blind lookout on a stormy night!

Arrr mateys, the president and his crew be thinkin' that the polls be as useless as a one-legged parrot! They be sayin' that Election Day be a long way off, so why be worryin' about these fancy numbers? They be sailin' on their ship, actin' like the wind be blowin' in their favor.
But me hearties, ye can't ignore the signs on the horizon! The polls may not be perfect, but they be showin' a rough sea ahead for the president. His crew be tryin' to patch up the leaks, but the ship be takin' on water faster than they can bail it out!
So, me fellow pirates, be keepin' a weather eye on them polls. Election Day be comin' faster than a cannonball, and the president be needin' to change course if he wants to avoid walkin' the plank! Arrr!

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