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Avast ye scallywags! 4 landlubbers be caught in a drug-making den on Bali's fair shores. Walk the plank, lads! Arrr!


Arrr, the scallywags of the Indonesian police have plundered a mighty drug lab nestled in a villa on the tropical island of Bali! They've captured four landlubbers tied to the cursed lab. Shiver me timbers, who knew Bali be a den of thieves and scoundrels!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, let me tell ye a tale of Indonesian police raiding a drug lab hidden in a villa on the island of Bali, arrr! Four scallywags were arrested, mateys, in the upscale resort of Canggu. The coppers uncovered two drug labs in the basement, one for makin' ecstasy and another for growin' marijuana.Arrr, the police got wind of the operation after a raid on a Jakarta lab linked to the most wanted drug lord in all of Indonesia. They arrested an Indonesian man, two Ukrainian men, and a Russian man, who may all be facin' the hangman's noose.Indonesia be havin' strict laws against drugs, me hearties, with many on death row for drug crimes. The last executions were in 2016, with one Indonesian and three foreigners sent to Davy Jones' locker.The police found out about the labs from interrogatin' a suspected trafficker nabbed in Jakarta. One of the arrested men was the accountant for the drug lord Freddy Pratama, movin' his operation from Jakarta to Bali, savvy?The suspects were paraded in orange uniforms, their hands tied, mateys. The coppers seized loads of chemicals and growin' equipment. Indonesia be a hub for smugglin', with strict laws to keep the young'uns safe from the siren call of drugs, arrr!

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