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Ye scurvy dog from Kazakhstani shalt be walkin' the plank for torturin' his wench! Aye matey!


Avast ye scallywags! The high court in Kazakhstan be havin' found a scurvy dog guilty of torturin' and brutally sendin' his wife to Davy Jones' locker. They be lockin' him up in the brig for his crimes. Aye, justice be served! Arrr!

In Kazakhstan, the Supreme Court convicted former government official Kuandyk Bishimbayev of torturing and murdering his wife, Saltanat Nukenova, sentencing him to 24 years in prison. The case sparked national outrage, leading to calls for harsher penalties for domestic violence. The trial, the country's first to be streamed online, dominated social media debates.Bishimbayev initially denied guilt but later confessed to beating his wife, causing her death. His relative, Bakhytzhan Baizhanov, was also sentenced for helping cover up the murder. Nukenova's death prompted over 150,000 signatures on an online petition for "Saltanat’s Law" to protect domestic violence victims.President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has advocated for women's rights and intervened to consider the petition. Kazakhstan, a patriarchal society, has been slow to address issues like domestic violence. A study found around 400 women die from domestic violence annually, with many cases unreported.In response to the case, Kazakhstan reversed a law decriminalizing minor acts of physical harm, imposing stricter penalties for abusers and new criminal offenses. Implementing these changes will require significant effort, including educational campaigns and civil society vigilance.

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